After my original effort to get Debian to play nice on the X250 there were still a handful of things which weren't right. This mostly covers the remainder of the things that I had trouble with.
Automatically updating timezone based on location
I was recently in Vietnam and had to update my timezone manually - which was a minor inconvenience. There's an app called tzupdate which will attempt to determine your location and update the timezone accordingly whenever you run it. We can create a cron job to run tzupdate regularly to ensure the timezone is updated:
$ sudo pip install -U tzupdate $ sudo crontab -e
enter the following - it'll cause tzupdate to run on the hour, every hour
0 * * * * tzupdate
Two-fingered scroll left/right
When setting up my touchpad I neglected to setup the left/right scrolling - adding the followng line to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf resolves this:
Option "HorizTwoFingerScroll" "1"
For more info on the Synaptics touchpad driver, as always ArchLinux has some excellent documentation on the subject.
iPhone - Bluetooth and USB tethering
Easiest way is to prevent network manager from touching resolv.conf - and make sure you have a handful of good nameservers you can rely on. To do this edit /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf and add the following to the [main] section:
Then add a handful of dns services to /etc/resolv.conf:
$ cat > /etc/resolv.conf << RESOLVEND #Google Public DNS nameserver nameserver # OpenDNS nameserver nameserver RESOLVEND
Connecting over USB is a little easier
$ sudo modprobe ipheth
If you're having trouble then apparently ipheth sometimes requires the iphone filesystem to be mounted - which means installing ifuse:
$ sudo apt-get install libimobiledevice-dev libfuse-dev $ git clone $ cd ifuse/ $ ./ && ./configure && make && sudo make install $ mkdir ~/iPhone && sudo ifuse ~/iPhone
Thinkpad X250's Mobile Broadband setup (Vodafone CZ)
I had a bit of a nightmare of a time connecting to Vodafone using the builtin 4G modem. I think the main thing is that most places on the internet say that for pre-paid SIM you should set the APN to "ointernet" - when actually "internet" is correct. However I did find that I needed to set prefer_mbim to Y for the device:
$ sudo echo "options cdc_ncm prefer_mbim=Y" >> /etc/modprobe.d/cdc_ncm.conf
$ sudo cat /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/Vodafone\ CZ [connection] id=Vodafone CZ uuid=2756323d-e364-49dc-9d86-92b8c2a44d15 type=gsm autoconnect=false permissions= secondaries= [gsm] apn=internet number=*99***1# password-flags=1 pin=1234 [serial] baud=115200 [ipv4] dns=; dns-search= method=auto [ipv6] addr-gen-mode=stable-privacy dns-search= ip6-privacy=0 method=auto
XTerm looks weird in XFCE
I've since moved nearly full-time to using Xmonad, but when I go back to XFCE and try to use xterm it has an extremely tiny font:
To make them appear a little nicer we need to edit ~/.Xresources - so that it looks like the below
Then fix up .Xresources:
$ cat .Xresources XTerm*faceName: Source Code Pro XTerm*faceSize: 10 XTerm*metaSendsEscape: true ! Fonts {{{ Xft.antialias: true Xft.hinting: true Xft.rgba: rgb Xft.hintstyle: hintfull Xft.dpi: 120 ! }}}
After you restart X and relaunch an xterm everything should appear little nicer