Discover a Linux Utility - xssstate

To learn more about Debian and Linux in general I'm selecting utilities at random from my PATH using the command below, learning what they do and writing a blog post about it. Previously: Part 1Part 2, Part 3

    $ (for folder in `echo $PATH | sed "s/:/\\n/g"`; do ls -1 $folder; done; ) | shuf -n 1 | xargs man

Today's utility is xssstate, which lets your check the status of X window system's screensaver. It's written by the suckless guys, who've created a number of very good tools, such as surf (a minimalist web browser) and dmenu (autocompleting program launcher), both of which I use regularly.

The utility itself is pretty simple, there are only four command line switches including -v, so this will be pretty short post. First we can check if the screensaver is currently enabled using -t switch:

    $ xssstate -s

Obviously the screensaver is off, since I am actively using this computer - however if the screensaver was active it'd print "on" and if it was disabled altogether you'd see "disabled".

To check the time idle in milliseconds, use the -i switch:

    $ xssstate -i
    $ sleep 5 && xssstate -i

And to get time in milliseconds until the screensaver activates, invoke it with -t:

    $ xssstate -t
    $ sleep 10 && xssstate -t

The way the utility does this is by using some functionality provided by a X11 library, wrapped in a handful of switch statements (they have their own neat little github-style source browser if you want to check out xssstate.c in its entirety):

    // ...
    info = XScreenSaverAllocInfo();
    XScreenSaverQueryInfo(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), info);

    if (showstate) {
    	switch(info->state) {
	case ScreenSaverOn:
	case ScreenSaverOff:
	case ScreenSaverDisabled:
    } else if (showtill) {
	switch(info->state) {
	case ScreenSaverOn:
	case ScreenSaverOff:
		printf("%lu\n", info->til_or_since);
	case ScreenSaverDisabled:
    } else if (showidle) {
	printf("%lu\n", info->idle);
    // ...

When I do these articles I like to show some practical real-life usage of the utility - in this case I decided to add a little timer to my xmobar showing how long my computer had been idle. To this I added a Run Com entry to my xmobarrc:

    -- also stick %xssstate% into the template
    Run Com "xssstate" [ "-t" ] "xssstate" 10,

This ends up showing with something like the below - apologies for shaky-cam!

Discover a Linux Utility - jjs

To learn more about Debian and Linux in general I'm selecting utilities at random from my PATH using the command below, learning what they do and writing a blog post about it. Previously: Part 1, Part 2

    $ (for folder in `echo $PATH | sed "s/:/\\n/g"`; do ls -1 $folder; done; ) | shuf -n 1 | xargs man

The random command I'm looking at this time is jjs - whose summary is simply "Invokes the Nashorn engine" which is a little vague and as it turns out is underselling things slightly. Nashorn is a Javascript engine written in Java for the Java VM with very neat integration and access to the range of libraries and functionality provided by the JDK.

While I'm not a Java or Javascript developer by trade I am surprised that I had never seen this pop up on Hacker News or before, and I'm sure many professional Java devs aren't particularly familiar with it either. I was even more surprised how quick it was to get productive (the man page suggests using the println function, which doesn't exist) since my hazy memories from using Java at university involved fiddling around with the CLASSPATH env variable and launching things in weird ways. 

Entering jjs takes you to a REPL prompt where you can muck around with javascript to your heart's content while you get familiar - here you'll see what I mean about the example in the manpage, println should be print:
    $ jjs
    jjs> println("hello, world!")
    :1 ReferenceError: "println" is not defined
    jjs> print("hello, world!") 
    hello, world!
    jjs> function add(x, y) { return x + y }
    function add(x, y) { return x + y }
    jjs> add(10, 20)
    jjs> function fib(n) { if (n < 1) { return 0 } else if (n <= 2) { return 1 } else { return fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2)} }
    function fib(n) { if (n < 1) { return 0 } else if (n <= 2) { return 1 } else { return fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2)} }
    jjs> fib(3)
    jjs> fib(50)
What I really like is that there's a fuss-free interface to the entire JDK through an object conveniently called java:
    jjs> var str = new java.lang.String("Hello, world!")
    jjs> java.lang.System.out.println(str)
    Hello, world!
    jjs> var dict = new java.util.HashMap()
    jjs> dict.put("foo", "bar")
    jjs> dict.put("baf", "baz")
    jjs> dict.forEach(function(k,v) { print(k + v); }) 
That final line pretty much sums up why I think this is cool - having created an instance of a java.util.ashMap we iterate over it using its forEach method but we can give it a javascript lambda function as an argument to apply to each key/value pair. There's no denying that this is neat :)

I wanted to do a little measurement between the V8 compiler used by Chrome and Node.js but it turns out this has already been done:

So Nashorn is actually a good deal slower than V8 (and that's with a cold VM, warmed up the difference is more stark) - which isn't a huge problem I suppose unless you're doing some really heavy lifting using Nashorn. I don't think many people are.

My previous "Discover ..." posts generally had to lay a bit of groundwork to introduce various OS concepts before the utility could be understood. However since Java and Javascript are both pretty commonplace there's no introduction needed, and the best way to show it off and understand what it's capable of is to write some code.

So I implemented four demo programs which are small enough to comprehend in a minute or so, explore the interesting relationship between js/JDK and demonstrates some relatively common use-cases for programming languages:
  1. shell scripting
  2. unix system utilities
  3. visualisation
  4. web services

Demo 1 - a simple shell script

I'd recently read a blog post at IBM developerWorks tracing this history of UNIX shells (csh, tcsh, bash, etc) and implementing the same task in each one, I figured that this was as good a task as any to start with. I implemented this as findexec.js below:

The code is a little less elegant than the bash version, we rely pretty heavily on to accomplish some of the things built into bash, but realistically we're using the wrong tool for the job here.
    $ jjs findexec.js -- /usr/local/bin

Demo 2 - a unix-y utility

The next program I wrote was a unix-style system utility that reverses the order of its input, which is either
  1. a list of lines read in from stdin (piped or input)
  2. a list of files supplied as arguments, which are each written reversed
This was a little more fun to write - couple of interesting things here. First was ability to use generics - could just create new ArrayList without specifying the type. Second was polymorphism between a Java stdlib class BufferedReader and a javascript class I wrote MultipleFileReader which both happen to implement a method readLine() but which don't explicitly implement any common interface or abstract class. 

I implemented this as filerev.js, which is a wee bit long for this blog but can be found at this Gist on GitHub. Below is a little snippet showing its usage:
    $ cat > foo << EOF
    > herp
    > derp
    > blorp
    > EOF
    $ jjs filerev.js -- foo
    $ cat foo | jjs filerev.js 

Demo 3 - a JavaFX utility

In the manpage I noticed the -fx which "launches the script as a JavaFX application". I hadn't used Java since university so I had no clue what JavaFX was, but it's apparently a set of libraries for writing graphical applications in Java, and mostly replaces Swing/AWT toolkits among other things.

After I read a bunch of documentation and puddled around a bit I decided that I wanted an application which can quickly produce little line graphs from input piped via stdin (and dynamically resizes according to the max/min values in the dataset).

This was a little trickier than the previous two examples but after finding the documentation on extending abstract classes (for the AnimationTimer) the rest was surprisingly straight forward. I created a file containing a a few repetitions of a sine wave, and piped it in to generate the visualisation below:

Again, the code is a Gist on GitHub as plotstdin.js along with the input data (and the code that generated it).

Demo 4 - a web service

For my final example I wanted to spin up a quick and simple web service, however this apparently not so straight-forward in Java. While the JDK has plenty of libraries available, there's no equivalent to SimpleHttpServer in Python or http.createServer() in Node.js - it seems that you need to use a third party package like Tomcat or Jetty. This presents a bit of a problem, since I want to create a little self-contained example without having to resort to resolve any dependencies using Gradle and Maven, which I'm unfamiliar with and would be tricky to work with using Nashorn.

However I found a nice project on GitHub which handles most of this called Nasven which wraps Maven and let's me easily add a dependency for Spark (lightweight web framework) and launch it.

I created a repo called thumbooo which will spin up a simple web service running on port 8080, with a single POST resource that produces < 100 x 100 pixel thumbnails for submitted images.

While Nasven handled the toughest part, I still ran into trouble since Nashorn was unable to determine which of the three ImageIO.write() functions it should call since the image resizing produced an object of type ToolkitImage and it expected a RenderedImage

You can ran the following to start the server:

    $ git clone
    Cloning into 'thumbooo'...
    remote: Counting objects: 42, done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (37/37), done.
    remote: Total 42 (delta 18), reused 17 (delta 4), pack-reused 0
    Unpacking objects: 100% (42/42), done.
    Checking connectivity... done.
    $ cd thumbooo
    $ jjs -scripting nasven.js -- src

and in another xterm use cURL to POST an image to the /thumb endpoint:

    $ curl -L -o thumb.png --form "file=@lenna.png" http://localhost:8080/thumb
      % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                     Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
    100  494k    0 32358  100  462k   638k  9353k --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 9447k

This resized the original 512x512 Lenna image ...

... to a 100x100 thumbnail:



I'm impressed with the integration between Javascript and Java that Nashorn provides, as demonstrated by the snippets above it's relatively flexible and easy to use (if a tad slow!). As a technical exercise it's very impressive, however I'm still not 100% sure what it was originally meant to be used for. Perhaps as a non-js/Java developer I'm missing something, but I feel like there are already better options available for individual hackers all the way to Enterprise-scale projects. I certainly had fun using it though!

Discover a Linux Utility - slabtop

To learn more about Debian and Linux in general I'm selecting utilities at random from my PATH using the command below, learning what they do and writing a blog post about it. Previously: Part 1

    $ (for folder in `echo $PATH | sed "s/:/\\n/g"`; do ls -1 $folder; done; ) | shuf -n 1 | xargs man

Today's randomly selected utility is called slabtop - according to the man page it should "display kernel slab cache information in real time". I was pretty pleased about this one actually, I had no idea about slab allocators so it was good to have something to explore on a stormy day:

Put simply, Linux permits us to manage and allocate chunks of memory from a set of fixed-size buffers - called slabs - for different purposes. And slaptop gives us a view into the state of each slab cache: what they're called, how many elements are allocated in total and how full each slab is:

So for the highlighted row, we can know the following information:

- name ("kmalloc-32")

- number of slabs allocated (163)

- number of objects allocated (20007)

- percentage of slab space allocated (98%)

- total size of the slab space allocated (652K)

... and so on.

What is slab allocation

So what does all this mean and why do we need it? During the execution of some program we may have requested and released  lots of differently sized objects from the heap. This could result in a pretty fragmented heap.

This could mean that allocating new buffers is either a little slow or unpredictable, since we need to search for an appropriately sized buffer before we can mark it as allocated and return it to the calling code. If any part of our application depends on a particular object being allocated quickly and predictably this is not ideal. 

Slab allocation involves setting up a slab which can hold certain amount of objects of the same size and type. Since we're dealing with fixed-size objects allocating space for a new object is quick - we just need to scan through an array to find an unused slot, mark it as used, then calculate the address (start_addr + size * index) and return it.

We could roll our own implementation since it's pretty straightforward to implement - and that would be quite an interesting project for an evening or so. However if we're writing Linux kernel or module code there's already an existing set of functions which are well understood and battle-hardened. In addition these functions hide a lot of underlying complexity by abstracting a lot of the memory management (we can actually have numerous slabs, but Linux manages this for us).

How Linux supports slab allocation

To start with, if we want to create a new slab cache (a managed collection of slabs) we can use kmem_cache_create:

    struct kmem_cache *kmem_cache_create(
	    const char *,      // name of cache
	    size_t,            // size of each object
	    size_t,            // object alignment
	    unsigned long,     // any special flags
	    void (*)(void *)   // slab constructor

To allocate a new object from this cache we can use kmem_cache_alloc:

    void *kmem_cache_alloc( 
    	struct kmem_cache *, // ptr to the cache 
    	gfp_t flags          // flags to use if we need new slab

Then when we need to free any, kmem_cache_free which will mark the space as unused and make it available to the allocator:

    void kmem_cache_free(
    	struct kmem_cache *, // ptr to the cache
    	void *               // ptr to object to free

And finally when we're done and we want to remove the cache entirely there is kmem_cache_destroy which will free and release all the slabs related to a given cache:

	void kmem_cache_destroy(
		struct kmem_cache *  // ptr to the cache

How to use slab allocation

As an example of how this could be used we can think about it in the context of a simple kernel module. I'll roughly go over the individual parts, and then present a full-blown module to explore. Firstly we'll want to defined the type we want to create the slab cache for  - imaginatively named slabthing - and use it to declare a variable s:

    typedef struct
      char foo; 
      char bar; 
      char baz;
    } slabthing;

    slabthing *s;

Inside our modules init_module we can use kmem_cache_create - so that our slab cache will be called "slabdemo", it'll allocate objects with the required size. Since I don't really care much about performance (specifying an appropriate alignment could permit us to use different/faster load instructions) so we'll just request it to be single byte-aligned.

    struct kmem_cache *slabthing_cache;

    int init_module(void)
      slabthing_cache = kmem_cache_create("slabdemo", sizeof(slabthing), 1, NULL, NULL);
      // other module stuff...

If our module wants to allocate space for the variable s in our cache we can call kmem_cache_alloc:

    s = kmem_cache_alloc(slabthing_cache, NULL);

When we want to free the cache, in this case in our module cleanup code, we can call kmem_cache_free and kmem_cache_destroy. I don't think the free is necessary in this case, but I've just included it anyway:

    void cleanup_module(void) {
        kmem_cache_free(slabthing_cache, s);

To see this in action I've created a little demo module that creates a cache and then allocates 128 objects when it's loaded - then frees all the objects and destroys them when it's unloaded. You'll need to make sure you have the sources checked out for your current kernel inside /usr/src/linux-<version>:

    $ git clone
    $ cd slabdemo
    $ make 

If our module builds successfully we can load it using insmod and then fire up slabtop to see how things look:

    $ sudo insmod slabdemo.ko
    $ sudo slabtop

So there it is - our slabdemo cache is there, with 128 objects allocated in a single slab which can fit 240 objects in total (peculiar number!). If you check out slabtop you can easily see things like kmalloc-512, kmalloc-1024 and kmalloc-2048 which are probably slab caches used by kmalloc for allocating memory pools of 512, 1024 and 2048 bytes respectively. In any case, that's another issue for another day. Obviously this is a tool designed for kernel developers, or for sysadmins of particularly performance-critical sysadmins, but I'm glad I took the time to potter around with it.