Firefox Developer - Gnome and Debian 9 quickstart

Using Firefox on Debian 9 is a little frustrating as the packages available from default APT sources are older “ESR” releases (firefox-esr, 52.0 at the time of writing). Getting the Dev or Nightly builds is pretty straight forward but if you use Gnome you probably want a launcher, and it might not be very obvious how to do this.

First grab the sources or prebuilt binaries:

    $ curl -LO ""

Extract them into /opt/firefox-dev:

    $ tar -xjf firefox-57.0b12.tar.bz2 && sudo mv firefox /opt/firefox-dev

Open up a text editor and create /use/share/applications/firefox-dev.desktop as follows

    [Desktop Entry]
    Name=Firefox Dev
    Comment=Browse the World Wide Web
    GenericName=Web Browser
    X-GNOME-FullName=Firefox Dev Web Browser
    Exec=/opt/firefox-dev/firefox %u

Copy the icon and run gtk-update-icon-cache so that the icon appears as expected.

    $ sudo cp /opt/firefox-dev/browser/icons/mozicon128.png /usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/firefox-dev.png
    $ sudo gtk-update-icon-cache -f /usr/share/icons/hicolor

And that's it! You should have a nice desktop icon for Firefox Developer Edition you can use. I also did the same for Firefox Nightly:

For updates you can clean out the directory and repeat the process with the latest tar.bz2 file ... or you can change the permissions in the firefox-dev directory so you have write access, and auto-updates will work.